Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hey, its see dead critters

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. While on one of our trips to the tree dump, Pop took us down the back road pass the Vet Clinic. I thought he was just going to go pass the Live Stock Yard but suddenly he swerved down a side road and said, "Lookie there! There is a picture for your site." All I could say was "Ewwwww" after all the thing was swarming with flies and the temp was 103. I rolled down the window to take a pic and the stentch got me. Man if I was one of the neighbors down wind of that Mama Cow, I would have been on the phone every ten minutes, until they either hauled it off or did whatever they had to do to it. From the looks of her, she was giving birth when she died and they calf didn't make it either. I refused to take a better picture of was bad enough I still have a mental picture of it. GAG. Anyway, After that I noticed I was seeing a lot of roadkill. If I would have stopped to take pictures we would of had birds, deer, coons, name it. I was joking that in Nebraska we don't eat roadkill, we leave it for the State guys to pick up and turn into glue or for the other critters to feast on. Yuck, its time for lunch now....maybe I should go on a diet.

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