Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Don't be fooled, he'll get you!

My friend Amy's little boy is a cutie. He has those big apple cheeks and a sweet smile, he plays with babies, he puts on enough sunblock that his Mom will never worry about his tummy getting burnt. Yep, he's a cutie....but watch out. Put him in a pool and stick your leg over the edge to cool off in the 100 plus degree temps and see what happens. "Get in!", that is what he will say. "I won't get you wet, I won't splash you or nothin'. You can just stand in here and hold your shorts up so they don't get wet and you can get cool too." You will start to fall for his trap. He seems so sweet afterall and it is HOT standing in the sun, watching the kids swim. So, you fall for it. You step in the pool and spin Meredith on the floatie. He waits, he lets you relax and trust that he is no threat. Slowly he gets closer to you....slowly he makes his way within jumping distance....then he pounces with a laugh. You try to hop out before he can get ahold of you but that little devil is quick and strong. You get one leg out but he has ahold of the other one and you stumble to keep your balance. Ah ha! You break free and his plot to pull you down in the pool is spoiled. However, your shorts are wet to your belly button so we will have to call it a tie. Man, I love the way Cody operates! Posted by Picasa

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