Monday, August 07, 2006

Caution: May cause nightmares!

I showed this picture to my Pop and he said he could have gone his whole life without seeing that. The best part of it is that the plumber crack shown belongs to Pop. Well, he was a plumber once, hence the crack. I don't know what is worse, seeing his plumbers crack or yelling for him to pull up his pants when we stopped at the gas station. He had a good 4 inches of tighty whities sticking out above the waistband. Oy Vey! Posted by Picasa


Cindy said...

That was soooooooo naughty of your to do. But hilarious

Millie said...

Pay backs are hell! You got him a good one for Danielle!! Not that she would enjoy looking at this, but knowing that lots of other people are seeing it!!! she can get the last laugh!! Like I responded when he made the comment about going his whole life with out seeing that, well, we feel the same way, we don't like seeing it either!!

Anonymous said...

No tighty whities showen here so does that mean that he has his sports thong on or is he going comando.

Tami said...

Hey, that's not nice. All the kids wear their pants lower than their briefs. He's just cool, that's all. You just don't understand what's fashionable!

Netter said...

Tani, they wear breifs like that...not tighty whities. Stop defending him! Jez, you meet him once after 21 years and suddenly you are sticking up for him. That is soooo not right. lol. I think we need to have a long talk about this.