Nothin' to see here, people, move along. Ok, if you insist on staying, atleast take your shoes off and make yourself comfortable. Once I get started...well, you could be here for a while. (Just ignore the typos. I do.) Yes, snacks are allowed as long as you share and clean up after yourself. Oh yeah, hey...if you happen to see my scissors around here, could you let me know. I could have sworn I had them right here a minute ago.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Hehe! ...huh?!
This quote made me laugh...because it is one of the mottos that I live by:
"If you can't convince them, confuse them." ~Harry S. Truman
I do a pretty great job at it too, if I do say so myself. Of course, sometimes I don't do it on purpose. LOL, but that is just a bit of my charm.
i think it gives you caracter.. Anyways... I left the recipe on the funnel cake blog. Enjoy!!
i think it gives you caracter.. Anyways... I left the recipe on the funnel cake blog. Enjoy!!
Thanks Mandy
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