Monday, May 01, 2006

You tell me...

Ok, I have been looking at this warning sign and I still can't figure out what the hell its all about. I feel like something is missing. What's with the tree balls? If there were two, I would have said it was a warning not to poke a the pigs because your balls could fall off....but, three!? Something has to be missing besides a leg...unless it is just ehind the other one. Maybe the three balls represent a fence and you are not supposed to lean over the fence to touch the animals. Isn't there a law about cryptic signs? There should be. I mean, how can you avoid doing something if you are not really sure what that thing is you are supposed to avoid or maybe it is more like, how are you supposed to know what you are being warned not to do so that you can actually do it. I tell you, being a rebel is hard work.


Anonymous said...

Oh I've seen that sign before. It means: "one legged people with serious medical conditions should never lean over and point their fingers or try to shake hands with pigs or they'll be in danger of losing the contents of their colostomy bag." It's really a rather disgusting sign, don'tcha think?

Netter said...

Sue! LOL,god answer, good answer. I nave never seen such an odd sign. Well, you know if I see something strange it is worth blogging about.

Anonymous said...

do people ever actually pay attention to those signs .. i swear its the dumbing down of america..lolMight the sign be for the pig to stay away from dumb people who are trying to touch it

Netter said...

Actually they have signs like that all over the its not just America. I think it started as a way to alert people, adults and children alike, to danger incase they were not able to read the language.

Anonymous said...

These sign's are funny. But SOME people acutally take these to heart. If this were an American sign or somewhere else, no wonder people do stupid things. They are to damn confused....



Netter said...

Mandy, lol...glad you final gave in. Nobody wants to be on my list....mwahahahaha!

Olivia Twist said...

Hi Nett:
thanks so much for the postcard sweetie. That was sooooooo cool to get that. Richard is giving a thumbs up confirmation that the balls aren't anything dropping from the sky,it truly means a fence. Co-op put them up. He had those on his farm when he was younger.

Netter said...

You would think they could come up with a better way to express a fence. I swear.

Anonymous said...

Maybe its a sign marking that it ok to pickup Pigs(fat chicks) ok don't coment.

Netter said...

That is terrible Vickie, just terrible...but if that was the case, why wouldn't it just have a big chicken on there instead of a pig.

Netter said...

Heidi- Fat Chicks....get it a big chicken. Makes more sense than a pig. How did this conversation ever get to this point...ah hemmmm, VICKIE!