Friday, May 26, 2006


Found this at MiYon's who found it at Mary's Madness:
Rock Star Name (first pet and current street name)
Sunshine Milburn

Movie Star Name (grandfather/grandmother on father's side and favorite candy)
Martha Snickers

'Fly Girl/Guy' Name (first initial of first name and two or three letters of last name)
A. Kas

Detective Name (favorite animal and favorite color)
Raccoon Black

Soap Opera Name (middle name and city where you were born)
SuLyn Fort Campbell

Star Wars Name (first three letters of last name, last three letters of mother's maiden name, and first three letters of pet's name)
Kas Sla Tuf

Jedi Name (middle name spelled backward and maiden name spelled backward)
NyLuS Retsak

Porn Star Name (middle name and street you grew up on)
SuLyn Broadway

Superhero Name ('The', favorite color, and the automobile you drive)
The Black Accord

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is cute....The last one for me would be The Pink Eagle...LOL