Monday, May 22, 2006

Annette needs...this like she needs a hole in her head

On Lexie's Table for four blog, I found this really cool thing that she did. If you put in your name into Google, and then "needs" after your name, and then press search, you come up with all kinds of needs for you. I put in "Annette needs", and these are the different ones that I came found:

Annette needs open lines of communication
Annette needs an original photo
Annette needs you to drink for her right now
Annette needs to hear from smaller and academic libraries
Annette needs to talk
Annette needs time away, time to rest and take some photos of the summer sunsets
Annette is in need of a chiropractic adjustment
Annette needs constant attendance
Annette needs to find the right balance between her own needs and the needs of other people in her life
Annette needs a final version by December for approval
Annette needs some medicines to balance her mood and to deaden her convictions
Annette has all the hugs she needs
Annette needs a shallow, glass top and front display cabinet for displaying jewellery
Annette needs to KILL herself, now.
Annette needs to be established and report back
Annette needs gall bladder surgery
Annette needs a maid of honor
Annette needs your donation
Annette needs to have a little talk about privacy

1 comment:

Annette Lyon said...

Found this post after reading about doing this very thing and then Googling my own name. You saved me from having to look at everything Google came up with. :D

(Yeah, good name. I've never gone by "Netters," though.)