Mr Bun Bun is alive and well. Bella has not been able to get her teeth in him because he has not been home in quite a while. I will note that he arrived back at my house while I was home on vacation. He brought a bunch of goodies with him too. Yep, a whole bag of robin eggs....yummy and a huge stack of craft books and magizines. Mr Bun said I should thank Aunt Carole for the mother load. I had a blast looking through them and bookmarking the projects that I want to try out. Thanks a million Carole!
Mr Bun is now plotting against Uncle Gary. He saw the photo shop picture that Gary made and he has no sense of humor about it. I got a good chuckle out of it but Bun's ideas are so evil, who knew a little bunny could have such wicked.
I just can'twait for my new suppy of pictures to arrive. Photo shop will really get busy. I think the i'll have to buy me a new MAC just to get all the new photo finished. my next work of art is already in the layout stage. so it will be adobe Illustator and after that it will be in photoshop to add the good stuff. my web site will be open soon 50 GB of room for my art work. it will also have a private chat room.
What new supply of pictures? You know, if you actually get a supply of pictures, I will be able to figure out who sent them and they are going down and going down hard. Who would be dumb enough that? Hmmmm. Hold on a second, I need to get the cannon out of storage. LOL
I DID NOT GIVE HIM ANY I SWEAR! Hey, but isn't funny that dad finally commented. By the way if Mr. Bun ever decides to come back to Danielle he better not be bringing any babies with him. did you know?!
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