Friday, February 10, 2006

Image hosting by PhotobucketTami aka Mrs Texas, had a post about the moon a few weeks ago. It made me think about how much I love the moon. I really do, I should marry it...HA, smart ass, I beat you to that one. Seriously, when I was a little girl, many moons ago....sorry, I had to....I used to think that the moon followed me around at night. No, I wasn't stupid. Don't you remember how the moon used to appear to follow you as your parents drove the car at night. It just kind of stuck with you. Sure, if you turned it would switch the side of the car it was on but it would still be there and it appeared to ride along with you. Mr Moon was kind of like an uninvited guest that just decided to tag along. OK, fine! The secret is out...I was always a strange child...and just by looking at the crap I post on this site you can tell two things: 1) I'm still a big kid at heart, only with a slightly dirtier mind. 2) I'm still strange and yet I'm not so strange that people want to lock me up for the good of the community. I'm a harmless strange. Yeah, that's OK, you just sit back and laugh at me....its OK, because during the next full moon, I'm going to have a nice laugh with Mister Moon about your goofy ass. I know stuff...oh yeah I there! I think I need to go to bed. I'm getting a little loopy.

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