Saturday, February 25, 2006

I now have proof...

Yes, My Mother is an evil woman. I can totally prove it now. She sent me an email to let me know that she mailed me a package. That isn't the evil part, the evil part is that it contains my birthday present and I can't open it yet. MY FRIGGIN BIRTHDAY IS MAY 7th! How the hell am I supposed to wait that long to open the present?! She's nuts! Two weeks, perhaps I could handle....two months, that is just insane!


Netter said...

I think she is just getting back at me for harassing all of my relatives. I think they all complain to her about me. lol, they deserve everything that they get! I on the other hand, should not have to suffer such torture at the hands of my own Mother. It just seems wrong! Plus, she knows me...I hate suprises.

Anonymous said...

Hey,be glad you got it before your birthday!! I might have not been able to find it by then. Just the other day, I was racking my brain trying to remember where I put another birthday present that I had boughten and already wrapped. I hunted high and low and finally found it but I was sweating it, cause I needed it for the next day. That is why you got it early. Deal with it!!!!! You're wearing big girl panties now!!You have done the same thing to me, maybe just not quite as early!! Christmas, ring a bell to you???

Tami said...

Oh, yeah. I can tell you're related. By the way, I may not have gotten to go to the Christmas Party, but when I move back to Nebraska, I am definitely hunting down the infamous "Dad" person.