Sunday, January 08, 2006

My Sister....

  1. I think I should share this lovely picture of my sister, Tisha, with the world. It's her as a teenager in her nightshirt, wearing our Mom's old cat-eye glasses, while holding a giant paper flower that we got at the state fair and making a face. No, wait, that was just her everyday look. lol, no seriously it wasn't. She is going to kill me if I start making fun of her. Oh heck, she will kill me anyway. She is a viscous little vixen.
    Interesting facts about Tisha:
    1. Tisha's brain was too big for her skull and she recently had surgery to take the pressure from that condition off her spinal cord.
    2. She is allergic to Morphine and the hospital kept giving it to her even though they knew this would make her throw up. They were idiots.
    3. She married a man who thinks buying bears and keeping them on your farm is a wonderful idea.
    4. She has a scar on the corner of her mouth from the time I told her to drop our cat in the snow. She did and he tried to grab on to her to keep his paws dry.
    5. She claims that I am "so F&#%ing jolly" that I "make her sick."
    6. She once wanted help climbing up in a tree. Then when she got up there, she wanted help getting down. I left her up there for a while and took a picture of her sitting in it before I helped her back down. She was pissed.
    7. I used to wait until she got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and then I would hide in the closet and when she came, I would say "I want to suck your blood" in a Dracula kind of voice. or I would crawl after her on my hands and knees barking like a dog...scaring her half to death and then I would laugh my butt off.
    8. I tried to teach her how to drive my stick-shift.....and for fear of personal safety, I decided it was best she never learned.
    9. Her best friend lives in Michigan and when they get together, they get a little wild.
    10. I use to put her in my baby buggy and I would push her around the house. Sometimes I missed the doorway and she got quite a jolt.
    11. She was called pea-dunker when she was a little girl because she was so tiny she couldn't dunk a pea if she sat on it.
    12. I was never afraid she would get hurt if someone started picking on her. That girl can kick some ass, she is tough.
    13. She threw a dead skunk on the air conditioner for the school Superintendents office.
    14. She hit a cow and put her husbands truck on its side in a ditch. The cow dies, Tisha's only injury was a bump on her head from where a socket wrench kit hit her.
    15. The manager of a Hooters in Florida offered her a job.
    16. She dreams that she can speak french.
    17. The animals on her farm have species confusion. It must be the water out there.
    18. She is in lust with Johnny Depp and would leave her hubby in a split second if Johnny showed up in town and she thought she had a shot with him.
    19. She has an extensive DVD collection.
    20. She may be very pale but she can get a tan...I can't.
    21. She has was escorted out of a Wal-Mart and put on their hostile customer list. In her defense, she was totally justified in losing her temper.
    22. She can knit.
    23. She can pop the tendon in her ankle back and forth...its gross.
    24. She collects elephant figurines.
    25. I am her favorite sister, basically because I am her only sister and there is nothing she can do about it.

    Wanna hear more? Maybe I will get her to make up a list of 100 random facts about herself.
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Cindy said...

YOu forgot about the time she lost weight by just dreaming about exercising or something like that. Or was this another one of your funny stories that I was not supposed to believe.

cityman05 said...

She sounds very interesting. And, if she needs some help, I will be gald to assist her in getting you back for posting that pic of her. LOL.

Netter said...

Yes, you have a good memory. She did lose weight like that and then she told our Grandma that she did it on an all hotdog diet. That sister of mine is a handful. You are not allowed to help her get even with me. She is quite good at that kind of thing on her own.

Olivia Twist said...

Awwwww...I want a sister. I've always wanted a sister. Darn it!

Netter said...

I'll sell you mine really cheap.