Saturday, January 07, 2006

It's midnight snack time....

Ok, so I know that snacking late at night isn't a great idea. So what! I ate really early and I have the munchies, so sue me. I decided that I would stay away from all the really junky stuff that is overflowing the cabinets right now. I opted for some yogurt with fruit on the bottom. I like yogurt, yes it is true. I never used to but I most certainly do now. Just add it to the list of other foods that I have somehow learned to enjoy. My Mother looks at me like a pod person when she spies me eating something that I refused to let touch my lips as a child. Would you like the short list?
  • asparagus- I always threatened to mow her asparagus patch off
  • cabbage-the smell alone gagged me
  • tomatoes- sauces without chunks were Ok...but chunks or slices...ewww
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • spinach- I prefer it raw to cooked but I will eat it if its fresh, not canned
  • onions
  • zucchini
  • cucumbers- Mom looked at me like I was a freak when she saw me eating some on a salad

That is the short list of foods I love now. The foods I refuse to eat has grown quite short but I just can't get past it:

  • liver- no matter how you cook that stuff it is still disgusting
  • peppers- OK, so I do eat them sometimes, but they kill my stomach. I'm very sensitive to them...even the plain garden peppers.
  • grapefruit- all other citrus is fine, just not grapefruit
  • turnips- not a favorite at all
  • walnuts- I used to love them, but thanks to Uncle Randy who fed me a rotten one.....gag, they are nasty. Just the smell of them brings back that rotten taste in my mouth. It was BAD people, very BAD!
  • radish- man those are nasty.

I know there are more but that is all I can come up with, off the top of my head at 1 AM. My yogurt is finished and I'm tired I go to brush my teeth and hit the pillow.

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