Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm keeping my eye on you!

Image hosted by Just because I am going to be gone and probably not updating my blog as often as I usually do, that doesn't mean that I won't pop in to see what you are doing on you sites. I miss you when I am away. I posted two links to some games below...just incase you need a break from all the crazy stuff going on.

1 comment:

Olivia Twist said...

Hi Netter...I hope your enjoying the Holidays. :-)
I have been working on our blog, and I'm having a HELL of a time. GGRRRRRRRRRRRR. I was wondering, do you know how to make a background that is stationary, and that the words move? I found a template for that is like that...but the just isn't working. Don't mean to vent on Christmas Day over this...just wondering if you have any idea about my mini dilema.
Merry Christmas..