Sunday, October 30, 2005

What do pigeons in NYC's Times Square do on their down time?

They hit the books before they can hit you.


Anonymous said...

That's a British pigeon in the lower picture! The back of the book is the London Underground map...mind the gap indeed!

Netter said...

No, its not a british pigeon...that is where the textbook was published because US publishers are pruds and avoid publishing fowl things.

Anonymous said...

I forgot you were so witty. ;) Now where are the dead insects????

Netter said...

lol...well I have to wait until my camera battery is charged. The scanner doesn't work on that kind of thing.

Anonymous said...

I think you should take a pic of your shoes too and put them on here. You looked very Boho chic today. I love that the gay guys in Chelsea coveted your jacket--that's praise of the highest degree. I knew I had a good looking man when a Drag Queen in Chelsea looked at Kissiffer and said "mmmm,mmmm,mmmm". Then she told him to turn around, had a look and shook her head and said, "Oh, uh-uh, no, no, keep on walking sweetie".

Netter said...

what the hell does Boho chic mean? I'm going to assume its a good thing.

Anonymous said...

my reply to that is:


Netter said...

WELL! I have no idea what it tell. I'm serious...what does it stand for?

Anonymous said...

Now I will not tell you on principal. I adore you Nett. Why do you always take everything I say in a bad way? I NEVER mean it that way.

Netter said...

TELL ME...I really didn't take it in a bad way...I was just being goofy...spill it missy

Anonymous said...

Pigeons study hard to poo correctly.