Thursday, October 13, 2005

Snapple "Real Facts #2"

You know, I like that...I really do. Why didn't they keep it? I think the US Mint should work that back into our coins. Of course, that doesn't mean that we will indeed, mind our own business. I'm not even really sure that that is possible. What is the fun in it? Anyway, let me know if you think I should start a petition online to have the motto put back on the pennies. Posted by Picasa


cityman05 said...

Sounds good to me, but maybe you should think bigger than pennies. How about billboards or the Goodyear blimp?

Kissiffer said...

Got my vote. First things first though, join my campaign to bring back the George I farthing.

Netter said...

Sure Chris...send over the form, I'll sign it for you even though I have no idea what the George l farthing looks like. What the hell, yah only live once.