Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Katie's latest poem

"To My Little Piggies"

I used to call you my little piggies.
Some of you had roast beef,
some of you had none.

But now
some of you have barbaric blisters
because I wear shoes
one size

And now
I go out to parties,
sometimes with flip-flops on,
and you get stepped on
and writhe in the beer-flooded floor
to the beat of the repetitive rap music.

I used to feel sorry for you
when I walked on the gravel
when we were back at home.
But now the homemade calluses
pine for those penetrating pebbles,
and in secret
you are crying
wee wee wee
all the way home.


Kimberly said...

That is so good! I love it!

Anonymous said...

:-) Yay!

Cindy said...

That is a cute poem.

Anonymous said...

That is so creative. But what is she doing going to those parties.

Netter said...

Vickie, you don't want to know...trust me, you don't want to know. She's going to give me a stroke or a heart attack one of these days.

cityman05 said...

That is just too cool.