Saturday, October 08, 2005

It's 3 AM

I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep but I have been out cold since 9:30ish. I'm happy to report that my headache is just barely there...and I can function like this. Yesterday was terrible and I was nauseous from all the thumping. I have survived...yipee! I have not had a lot to blog about lately. I just have not been in the mood since the other day. Well, atleast not a fun mood...more of a serious mood and that really sucks. Life is too short to be serious all the time in your bloggings. I like to kick back and have fun, maybe rant and rave every once and a while but on the whole, I just want to be goofy. After all, I am a big goofball at heart. Hey, its genetic, I can't help it.

You will be happy to know that I have started painting my tombstones...atleast the base colors. They look like grey stone. Now I have to paint on some any funny or clever sayings for me? Ohe is going to be a special dedication to my Uncle Randy because he love Halloween too. The rest of the stones I want to be silly. I thought I would make one read, "Ill A. Wheeze" and under it say..."I told you I was sick." Then I thought something stupid like Here lies poor old Bart, died when he forced a fart." Got any ideas? I figure Lucas alone will have a few dozen for me. I know I had a list of ideas last year but I can't find it now. I think I must have another Halloween sack hanging out in the attic. I'll look tomorrow. I have started decorating the basement. I posted a pic for you. It's dark so you can't see it really well, but that is the idea, isn't it.


cityman05 said...

I love Halloween. It's my favorite holiday.
I need to get some decorating done myself. I haven't even bought a pumpkin yet.

Olivia Twist said...

Netter , I think Lexie wrote the template herself. didnt she do a good job.