Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hmmmm...mystery postcard, huh.

Ok, OK, what is with this "Guess Who" crap? JEZ! I could be easily confused by this. I just had a conversation with Michelle about her recent trip to TN and the fact that she sent her kids Elvis postcards but not me. However, this card can not be from Michelle because the postmark says Memphis Oct 15. Let me do some snooping around. I'll figure it out...and if not, you can gloat when I start begging for someone to spill the beans. People, you know this kind of thing drives me nuts...and I am crazy enough as it is, so why do you do this to me? Well, whoever it is, they must have had issues remembering how to spell Annette...or is it Anette...or Annet...or get the point. Why else would you just put A.Kaster, huh. Trying to through me off track are you? Dang you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is funny, as I was scrolling down at first I thought this was one of your old family photos and I thought: who is that cute kid?