Friday, September 02, 2005

Isn't it a grand day to have a baby?!

Auntie Nett is waiting patiently....when, oh when, will that baby arrive? I woke up this morning and the sunshine was streaming in my window, I streached out the cramps and had a bowl of Raisin hair has big beautiful curls today instead of the fuzzy, flat crap I usually have. Yes, today is going to be a lovely day for me. In my state of glory, I realize that the front page of the paper today was heartbreaking. I know we are all putting our southern neighbors in our prayers. I wish I lived closer....I'd make that drive and give them my 3 day weekend, instead, I sent out my check and added an extra prayer to my daily routine. It just doesn't seem like enough, does it.

1 comment:

King OSirLucas said...

ACK ACK ACK ACK your page is loading much better!!! :) Woohoo... Two days without my full net... *sigh* was too much for my little brain to handle.