Friday, August 19, 2005

Ok, I was in the city...and this is what I heard...

I was just south of Canal Street at the park along the river where the NYTS is located. I was on the other side of the fence standing along the edge of the river taking pictures of Sam and his cousin Emily as they performed at their trapeze class. On my left was a dark, curly haired, young lady talking on her cell phone. To my right was a normal looking guy, around the same age as the lady. Now the girl was just chatting away, giving someone directions to her location so they could meet her. When she finished her conversation the guy turns to her, catches her eye and asks,"Where are you from?" She gives him a look, you know the look, like he was beneath her social class...way below and asks in a snotty tone, "Where are you from? The guy, sensing her hostility, says, " Oh, I'm just interested in accents and yours is so unusual, I was wondering where yours comes from, that's all." She looks him square in the eye and says, "New York City, born and raised." The guy didn't say anything back, he just turned and rode his bike down the path. Now, I heard this lady talking and since I was closer I think that I can understand why he thought he heard an accent...but it was just a speech impediment. People, I swear!

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