Monday, August 15, 2005

Look Tami! I do have a Father!

I stole this picture off of Cindy's site. Yep, that is my Pop. Sure he has been on my site his underwear, sleeping on the Doesn't this guy look like a handful? Oh, he is, he definately is a handful. I wish I could have been at the family get together on Saturday....but alas, I'll be home for Christmas.

Oh and if you are wondering about the subject line.... My friend Tami swears I don't have a father. I've known her since the first day of 9th grade and in all those years...she has never seen my father. I know, I know, its weird. Most people would pay big bucks to be able to claim that, no seriouly, they never met.
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Anonymous said...

All right! Whose father did you steal to use in this picture? You can't fool me! Geesh, he looks a little bit like my dad. Maybe it's the hat.

Netter said...

I didn't steal this guy. I'll sell him to you if you want him though. I've heard all of his jokes.