Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Katie leaves for college in 5 days..the count down continues. This pic has a cute story to it. Jarrod is the little guy in the yellow shirt. He must of had a thing for blondes...especially Katie. He kept scooting closer to her and trying to touch her toes. Katie kept pulling her feet closer and closer until she had them tucked up like in this picture. Katie asked us why he was doing that. Even back then she had the boys after her. Jarrod is the funniest kid. Raine has some great stories about him...maybe she will comment and tell a few. Especially the one aobut when he waited to tell her something once he was off the bus and the doors were closing...lol, or what he did with her ring at her wedding. AH, good times. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I can't believe Jared was ever that small. He's almost as tall as me, now. Time flies, it almost makes me hesitant to have my own babies since they really do grow up too damn fast. Can't science figure out a way to keep them at say 3 years old (out of the terrible 2's and completely potty trained) for a good long while? Is that too much to ask? I do love my Jar-man, he always cracks me up...like when he said to me when he got off the bus, right before the doors closed, "Rain when I'm 16 I'm getting kitties and sexing and you can't stop me." Oh boy.

Netter said...

I always laugh when I think of Jared waving a 5 dollar bill in the air and saying, "Jared, to the rescue...AGIAN!" He was so funny. How about when I told him over and over again not to touch the wedding ring when I handed him the pillow. What did he do the second he had it...tried to touch the ring. So we sent him down the isle and what did he do? He dropped your ring into the grass and the best man had to stand there, and calmly search for it. Most people didn't even notice. I was sitting toward the back and Idid see Gabs bend down but I had no idea it was the ring. KIDS!

Anonymous said...

OMG.... I remember him! and he kept drooling on me and his snot got all over me! Grossss.