Thursday, June 16, 2005

"I tink I'm thick!" (Sicko talk.... if translation is required: " I think I'm sick!") Posted by Hello


Netter said...

She may kill me....but she will have to catch me first. I'm not worried.

Cindy said...

I think that you are going to be out of the will soon.

Netter said...

will schmill....I just as well have some fun while I'm still alive....and it will be a while before she can get her hands around my

Anonymous said...

O.K. I'll accept this pic. It's not very becoming, but, hey, if memory serves me correct, I think this is when I had the "my hair hurts flu" at Christmas and we were out at Tisha's. Thats her blue couch anyhow..Too bad I don't have some of you with that flu. You would have looked worse than this!!!! I wouldn't put my hands around your neck, cause if things go as I hope on Saturday, you will have better things to do when you come home, and I wouldn't want to stop you from doing them!!!! You know what I mean!! Has to do with my mother's day gift!!

Netter said...

oh crap....what was I thinking, giving you exactly what you, oh well. oh, and was the "my hair hurts" flu. Man that was a nasty strand.