Sunday, June 12, 2005

How I spent my Sunday...

OK, so I slept until 9AM, then read in bed for an hour or so until I got up and and took a shower. I love my new haircut. My head feels so much lighter. Ok, then I called the Leaches because I saw they called while I was gone yesterday. Jean was getting ready to paint the other rocker for the front porch so I told her I would help. We painted the rocker and the table too. It took a few hours but they look great on the porch. I will post a picture of how wonderful their house looks now. After some pizza, Jean, Katie ,Nicole and I, went to see the Traveling Pants movie. Maybe I was just hormonal, but I cried. Don't make fun of had several sad parts. After we got back to the house, Jean and I sat on the porch and enjoyed the cool night air. I really wish that house had that great wrap around porch when I lived there. It would have made life much easier when I had to crawl though Katies window, leap onto the roof and crawl into my bedroom when my door broke. If you have never heard that story, let me know...I will tell it with a picture for reference. Right now, it is bed time.

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