Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It's that time of year again. There is nothing like a little baseball in the spring to get you excited about the summer to come. Derek and Sam were waiting for the prior game to get over so they could take the feild. I bought METS tickets for when the Roofus and Skeeter come to visit in July. I actually waited to long to get tickets and didn't get the seats I wanted but they will do. It's better than nothing. It's on a day when kids under 12 get to run the bases after the game, weather premitting. Should be fun. I'll be buying some sunflower seeds tomorrow. They are an important key to sitting though a little league game....especially when you have to listen to crabby parents. In their defense, the coach is the stupidest man on earth, next to the "Bear Buyer." Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Tell Sam that he must be on a great team, or at least have some "with it" guys to have cool colors, the same as the Huskers!!
Even though I'm not a real liker of the color red..You know me, I love those Huskers, it's just the coaches I have major problems with..

Netter said...

Mother, lol, really....you have to stop sniffing correction fluid. You crack me up.