Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Carrie Underwood....

is the new American Idol! I'm so happy! I have been voting for her all season. I really liked Bo too but there is something about Carrie's voice that I like a little bit more.


Anonymous said...

You pain in the a@@. I had Danielle tape it tonight since I had to work and I am in the process of watching and wanted to be surprised, but nooooo I had to get on your web blog and now it is just ruined. But don't worry after a brief moment of sadness I got over it.

Anonymous said...

By the way Bo should have won. He was sooooooo awesome...... But he will get a contract anyway.

Netter said... glad I could cause a little trouble tonight. I was feeling like I had lost my touch. And for the record....I didn't waste all those phone calls on Carrie to have Bo win. I do like Bo though. I just know I would buy Carrie's music before I bought Bo's.

Anonymous said...

See I'm the exact AI opposite...I won't get Carris's CD but I would have bought Bo's album in a heartbeat, in fact I still will when it comes out since Clive Davis promised to work with him :) I was disappointed though, Carrie was such an obvious choice so middle of the road. But hey at least Constantine didn't win! America has voted "a little bit country" over "a little bit rock n roll". Sullivan out!

Netter said...

Raine, please stop the "Sullivan out" stuff....its bad enough Ryan has to say, "Seacrest out." Sam and I make fun of him. I think all that studying has affected your brain.