Thursday, April 28, 2005

After attending Slava's Snow Show at the Union Square Theatre in NYC tonight, the preformers threw out HUGE balloon balls and snow on the crowd. We had a great time and the best part was when one of the green clowns pulled Sam's jacket off over his head. He had been trying to cover his head to keep from getting wet during intermission. To check it out or buy tickets: Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

But no credit for introducing you to the magical-ness that is SLAVA? Nary a mention of how I introduced you to the lovely zany show>>>????????I THOUGHT WE WERE BETTER FRIENDS THAN THIS....sob....

Netter said...
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Netter said...

I told the world of your genious the last time I talked about Slava's Snow Show. Indeed it was you that showed me the magic, but if I keep going on and on about these things then people will think we are no differnt than the OLB and goddess, whats her name. We don't want that happening, do we?